pumpkinslayer posted a photo:
6 of the 7 students in my Tuesday/Thursday English class at the Chinese Culture University International Language Institute.
– uploaded by ShoZu
pumpkinslayer posted a photo:
6 of the 7 students in my Tuesday/Thursday English class at the Chinese Culture University International Language Institute.
– uploaded by ShoZu
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spencer says
Yo Peter, that one guys is definitely big pimpin! 🙂
I see that you use this ShoZu quite a bit. Do you have to have 3G or are WiFi uploads possible? I’m realizing that the more I’m out on the town, the more I find that a camera phone can be more convenient than a digital camera.
Peter says
Hey Spencer, in a nutshell Shozu just helps to upload your stuff to sites. You set where to upload, then through their software it uploads to their server, then to the site you chose. The file stays on their server for a while, so if you want to upload to other locations you don’t have to reload.
It works with any Internet connection your phone has, WiFi, 3G or through your PC. I don’t like to sort all my stuff too much, and it’s nicer to just get it over and done with after taking it. Also it’s fresh in my mind.
It also works through email (I think), so you send them the pic, then it uploads to your specified destinations.
spencer says
Yo Peter, that one guys is definitely big pimpin! 🙂
I see that you use this ShoZu quite a bit. Do you have to have 3G or are WiFi uploads possible? I’m realizing that the more I’m out on the town, the more I find that a camera phone can be more convenient than a digital camera.
Peter says
Hey Spencer, in a nutshell Shozu just helps to upload your stuff to sites. You set where to upload, then through their software it uploads to their server, then to the site you chose. The file stays on their server for a while, so if you want to upload to other locations you don’t have to reload.
It works with any Internet connection your phone has, WiFi, 3G or through your PC. I don’t like to sort all my stuff too much, and it’s nicer to just get it over and done with after taking it. Also it’s fresh in my mind.
It also works through email (I think), so you send them the pic, then it uploads to your specified destinations.