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Simon says
Hi Peter. i agree the well lit scene makes for better video. I was also considering mentioning that the mobile should been a stand, but on 2nd thought a shot that is too steady could be boring. Less raw.The new marketing opportunity at work sounds great. Good luck with that. Time is short, but if I could help I would. Presentation graphics?If I can suggest, present yourself like you are already in the position. Approach the whole meeting like you already do the job. From dress to printed presentation material.I'm not presentation guru. But I have found that passing information in brief, high impact, easy-to-remember nuggets works well.I'm stoked your making these videos ;)Anyway, have a good weekend / week. Cheers
pumpkinslayer says
I'll stick with it raw for the moment, for lack of a stand. I have beenconsidering making a DIY holder for my cellphone that connects to the bike,so I can film and ride without holding the camera.A small, portable stand for round and about would be a cool idea as wellthough. I remember seeing a stand once that was just bendable arms thatwould hold a phone, camera, or whatever in place. That would be ideal for athose little shots.Thanks for the offer for graphics and stuff. I'll hold you to it 🙂 Thistime, however, time is short, and I'll have to put together what I can.If…. I mean… When I do it again, I post it online and run it past myfriends to get some suggestions.At least I am very familiar with the content, so even though I fuss over thedetails, the big ideas are solid in my head. I'll throw in those gold rockswhenever possible.
pumpkinslayer says
I'll stick with it raw for the moment, for lack of a stand. I have beenconsidering making a DIY holder for my cellphone that connects to the bike,so I can film and ride without holding the camera.A small, portable stand for round and about would be a cool idea as wellthough. I remember seeing a stand once that was just bendable arms thatwould hold a phone, camera, or whatever in place. That would be ideal for athose little shots.Thanks for the offer for graphics and stuff. I'll hold you to it 🙂 Thistime, however, time is short, and I'll have to put together what I can.If…. I mean… When I do it again, I post it online and run it past myfriends to get some suggestions.At least I am very familiar with the content, so even though I fuss over thedetails, the big ideas are solid in my head. I'll throw in those gold rockswhenever possible.